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Innovation Day: A Silver Award for Domel
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia yesterday, September 10, 2024, awarded national honors to the most innovative companies and innovators for the twenty-second time during the Day of Innovation at Brdo pri Kranju. These awards represent the highest recognition for the innovative achievements of Slovenian companies and promote innovation in Slovenia.
At this year's event, which took place under the slogan "WE CHOSE SUSTAINABILITY," a total of 10 gold, 24 silver, 12 bronze awards, and 1 special recognition for an innovation challenge were presented. Domel also competed for the highest awards and received a silver award for the development of ZKG motors.
The new family of motors, which is highly focused on sustainability, has already found its place in the most demanding Scandinavian markets and represents a new trend in the field of ventilation systems due to its energy efficiency. The ZKG motor family exceeds the requirements of the highest IE5 class. During development, new design solutions were employed, which, along with the use of appropriate materials, resulted in excellent operating characteristics of the motors. The ZKG motors significantly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint due to their outstanding efficiency during operation.
The history of innovation awards dates to 1997, when the Regional Chamber of Commerce Zasavje decided to support unconventional thinkers in innovative companies and awarded the first regional prizes for the best innovations on January 23. The movement initially expanded to other regions, and in 2002, the awards gained national significance. All regional chambers of commerce joined in, and the national event – the Day of Innovation – now represents the selection of the best innovations from the best in the regions.
With the Day of Innovation 2024, 28 years of awards at the regional level and 22 years at the national level are celebrated. Over 21 years, more than 12,200 innovators and over 3,447 innovations have been recognized throughout Slovenia. At the national level, 172 gold awards have been presented, and the GZS awards for innovation are recognized both in Slovenia and abroad.
Innovations submitted by innovators to specific regional calls were evaluated by members of regional commissions. These commissions assessed the innovation proposals based on the description of the problem and its solution, the scope of the innovation, the state of the innovation field, innovation protection, the innovation team, the user, the market, and financial and sustainability impacts. According to the evaluation methodology of the commissions, various awards were granted, and at the national level, at least three best-rated gold regional innovations were proposed. A national commission evaluated the selection of the best innovations from all 13 regions.
Congratulations to all the award winners!
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